Friday, June 27, 2014

What Was I Thinking?

Here's a new painting, a last bit of canvas on the roll painting, whose dimensions were determined by happenstance. As I got into this painting, it was reminding me of old camp blankets that I had seen as a kid. Maybe not design-wise, but the color combination stirred something in the nether regions of my mind. It recalled the scent of mosquito repellent and burnt marshmallows on a stick. So I thought I would google those blankets to see if I could find one similar to the one that I remembered. No such luck. I'm hoping that somewhere out there is a blanket that jives with my remembrance. A better look and more info here.

Blanket - Acrylic on Canvas - 18"H × 66"W

Close but no cigar.

I started this painting during my stay at the Vermont Studio Center (click here for that story). Here's what it looked like at the start.

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