Friday, October 10, 2014

Four New Abstracts

It's been a tough season for finding the time to paint. My big project of late has been getting our house ready to put on the market. The kids have flown the coop for the most part and it's time downsize. A tremendous amount of work. Having said that, I have found the time to get a few paintings in. Here are four from this tumultuous period of time.

Excelsior - Acrylic on Canvas - 30"H ×39"W - More info

Morning Glory - 39"H × 30"W - More info
Lexicon - 25.5"H × 34"W - More info
Fractal - 35"H × 36"W - More info

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Word Drawings - July-October - 2014

I continue to work on word drawings as the mood strikes me. I have done quite a few of these and lately I have had to be careful not to repeat myself both in the word content and how these drawings are constructed. I have been finding my mind going down familiar avenues and have to work to break free of that. Here's the latest batch.

Obnoxious Chemicals  8-1-14
Big Data  9-16-14
Night Shivers  9-20-14
Bullet Adverse  9-1914
Stinky Cheese  10-3-14
In No Uncertain Terms  10-6-14
Hen House   9-16-14