Friday, January 16, 2015

Word Drawings - Dec/14 through early Jan/15

I've had a good run with the word sketchbook of late. During the past several weeks, it seemed like I would rather draw in this book, rather than my regular sketchbook. Preceding and over the holidays, I just didn't feel all that "funny". I felt more comfortable free associating with words and design rather than laboring over humorous stuff, that didn't seem to be flowing. Here are the word drawings in the order that they were done.

Not Withstanding - 12/5/14
Ill Fitting Suit
Punch Drunk - 12/19/14

Hepcat - 12/26/14
Nitpick - 12/29/14
Avast - 12/30/14
Neon Bandaids - 1/6/15 - date cluelessness
Arkansas Wetsuit - 1/7/14
Ginky - 1/9/14
Stolen Kisses - 1/10/14